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Applying to and Preparing for Internships

Professor McClure supervises Legal Studies (LGS) internships, and Professor Rankin coordinates public service (POL) internships. In order to enroll in an internship for credit, students must first meet with the appropriate internship coordinator. All students must complete the following forms and bring them to their meeting with the coordinator.

POL 398A01: Students taking part in a public service internship as part of their coursework for the Political Science major or minor must complete the POL - Formal Agreement with their site supervisor and submit the original to Professor Rankin supervising their internship.

LGS 398A20: Students taking part in a paralegal internship as part of their coursework for the Legal Studies major or minor must complete the LGS - Formal Agreement with their site supervisor and submit the original to Professor McClure. Students who double major in Political Science and Legal Studies should participate in the paralegal internship because it fulfils the internship requirement for both programs.

All students are expected to find their own internship by looking at the current postings or utilizing friends or family connections. Please also see the download "Finding a Public Service Internship." While internships can be during fall, spring, or summer semesters, students should begin the application process the semester before they intend to intern.

Preparing for Internships

Students should prepare a resume and have it available at your application meeting. Resume preparation and critiques are available through Illinois State's Career Center.

Students should also be aware that the Career Center offers mock interviews and one-on-one career advisement at no charge.